I am still here hope you all are too .
It not bin a silence time its accusaly bin a rather busy one even it might not seem it fore the eye of all.
Last week the city hummed with the tunes of the festival of light with a full program from Wenstday too the toga ball Saturday night .
I am a little proud to call my self borghesia .. and so should you all ! specialey becourse you showed the support of this fetivities, were others might have failed .. also proud becourse of those who dared trowing them self intoo the scavnger hunts and those who were willling to let them self be hunted.
I hope you all enjoyed your self and i hope it will not be the last of gatherings we see in the city .. rember to support those who take the time to do this work that lays behind it all. I promice you its not easy. and most importance of all, it usualey turns out to be fun fore all even us humans, so why not enjoy when we can ..take in those moments were biting is not on the menu fore if nothing more then a few houers.
With that said ...
I dont know if you have heard the rumors some power shifting seems to be under the way with in the chosen ranks. And with no doubt it is something that we will all see fell and notis sooner then later. What it will mean fore us I am unsure of yet .. But i am sure it will rub off on our dayly life one way or another.
I have a feeling it will not be loong before the court will put the tavern up fore new management i am awaithing word on when it might be.
Fore now it put up the Slaughtered Lamb and doctores office fore new management .. if you wish to help the sick and has the skills to be a Doctore you should sighn up fore the part. the slaughtered lamb is not fore borghesias to run . but if your interested in co manegement i am alwayes seeking someone to be my right hand in the taver.. but you must put in the houers of work.. i how ever do promice I will pay you well.
The Bakery and `Bath house is now under the courts voting you should go cast your vote on who you think bakes the best Bread .. Or gives the best Massage perhaps. but keep in mind fore it to be someone who has the time and houers to put in it as well .. so we will not have a baker with no bread and a bath house with no soap.
To vote, or to sighn up it all you go to the court and look ad the board oppsite from were the chosen rents us.
There you will find sevral scrolls .. when your up there you should look ad all of them and make your dessision on each one.
If your interested in the comanager fore the green dragon you should come see me.
Now to another note
its come to my attention that a Borghesia has have the unfortune of being rented and not bitten, but tortured insted with in the familiy, and I ask of you so i will know if the was a single and personal motivated incedent or if it is something you expirence to happen often. pleace step forwad .. pull me to a cornor send me a letter with a messenger but how ever you chose to inform me .. pleace do so !. perhaps theres something we could attempt to milden these incendents. We wount find out if i dont know how often this accure so i have a chance to aproach court abouth it.
The Subject of Reports.
If you file a Report On anyone .. you should be werry sure in your case there is grounds fore a report, and spoken to be or ad least send me a note of the incedent. in most cases there is a good chance that the chosen who ends up dealing with the report will seek out the leader of the family. And nothing looks good if i am cought off guard with no feel of whats happening in the family .. just as well as a report filed with no grounds will look poorly on the whole family and the chosen who has to spend time on it might be more likley to dismiss the next report from the same family with out even looking intoo it really .. So Pleace somethig happens come seek me out ! let me know of it
( this applyes fore ooc incendents too).
I think i will let your ears and eyes rest a little from my rambeling now, I hope your all well out there and take care of your self and are carfull.
talk to you soon agen
Hugs Juliet