Dear all id like to say thank you to all of you who made this family what it was.
Time has come were i have decided to close the family and move on to next adventures and experiences in Venexia and there fore can no longer continue as your leader. As a result there fore i closed the family. I will still be around and able to guide you oocly if needed and I will still be around if you want to say hi. Should any of you be interested in starting up a new family i will be more then happy to assist you in such.
Thank you fore everything
Yours truly
Monday, May 14, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
We are still here
Hi all i know its bin some time since i written news to you all in the family and more.
I am still here hope you all are too .
It not bin a silence time its accusaly bin a rather busy one even it might not seem it fore the eye of all.
Last week the city hummed with the tunes of the festival of light with a full program from Wenstday too the toga ball Saturday night .
I am a little proud to call my self borghesia .. and so should you all ! specialey becourse you showed the support of this fetivities, were others might have failed .. also proud becourse of those who dared trowing them self intoo the scavnger hunts and those who were willling to let them self be hunted.
I hope you all enjoyed your self and i hope it will not be the last of gatherings we see in the city .. rember to support those who take the time to do this work that lays behind it all. I promice you its not easy. and most importance of all, it usualey turns out to be fun fore all even us humans, so why not enjoy when we can ..take in those moments were biting is not on the menu fore if nothing more then a few houers.
With that said ...
I dont know if you have heard the rumors some power shifting seems to be under the way with in the chosen ranks. And with no doubt it is something that we will all see fell and notis sooner then later. What it will mean fore us I am unsure of yet .. But i am sure it will rub off on our dayly life one way or another.
I have a feeling it will not be loong before the court will put the tavern up fore new management i am awaithing word on when it might be.
Fore now it put up the Slaughtered Lamb and doctores office fore new management .. if you wish to help the sick and has the skills to be a Doctore you should sighn up fore the part. the slaughtered lamb is not fore borghesias to run . but if your interested in co manegement i am alwayes seeking someone to be my right hand in the taver.. but you must put in the houers of work.. i how ever do promice I will pay you well.
The Bakery and `Bath house is now under the courts voting you should go cast your vote on who you think bakes the best Bread .. Or gives the best Massage perhaps. but keep in mind fore it to be someone who has the time and houers to put in it as well .. so we will not have a baker with no bread and a bath house with no soap.
To vote, or to sighn up it all you go to the court and look ad the board oppsite from were the chosen rents us.
There you will find sevral scrolls .. when your up there you should look ad all of them and make your dessision on each one.
If your interested in the comanager fore the green dragon you should come see me.
Now to another note
its come to my attention that a Borghesia has have the unfortune of being rented and not bitten, but tortured insted with in the familiy, and I ask of you so i will know if the was a single and personal motivated incedent or if it is something you expirence to happen often. pleace step forwad .. pull me to a cornor send me a letter with a messenger but how ever you chose to inform me .. pleace do so !. perhaps theres something we could attempt to milden these incendents. We wount find out if i dont know how often this accure so i have a chance to aproach court abouth it.
The Subject of Reports.
If you file a Report On anyone .. you should be werry sure in your case there is grounds fore a report, and spoken to be or ad least send me a note of the incedent. in most cases there is a good chance that the chosen who ends up dealing with the report will seek out the leader of the family. And nothing looks good if i am cought off guard with no feel of whats happening in the family .. just as well as a report filed with no grounds will look poorly on the whole family and the chosen who has to spend time on it might be more likley to dismiss the next report from the same family with out even looking intoo it really .. So Pleace somethig happens come seek me out ! let me know of it
I think i will let your ears and eyes rest a little from my rambeling now, I hope your all well out there and take care of your self and are carfull.
talk to you soon agen
Hugs Juliet
I am still here hope you all are too .
It not bin a silence time its accusaly bin a rather busy one even it might not seem it fore the eye of all.
Last week the city hummed with the tunes of the festival of light with a full program from Wenstday too the toga ball Saturday night .
I am a little proud to call my self borghesia .. and so should you all ! specialey becourse you showed the support of this fetivities, were others might have failed .. also proud becourse of those who dared trowing them self intoo the scavnger hunts and those who were willling to let them self be hunted.
I hope you all enjoyed your self and i hope it will not be the last of gatherings we see in the city .. rember to support those who take the time to do this work that lays behind it all. I promice you its not easy. and most importance of all, it usualey turns out to be fun fore all even us humans, so why not enjoy when we can ..take in those moments were biting is not on the menu fore if nothing more then a few houers.
With that said ...
I dont know if you have heard the rumors some power shifting seems to be under the way with in the chosen ranks. And with no doubt it is something that we will all see fell and notis sooner then later. What it will mean fore us I am unsure of yet .. But i am sure it will rub off on our dayly life one way or another.
I have a feeling it will not be loong before the court will put the tavern up fore new management i am awaithing word on when it might be.
Fore now it put up the Slaughtered Lamb and doctores office fore new management .. if you wish to help the sick and has the skills to be a Doctore you should sighn up fore the part. the slaughtered lamb is not fore borghesias to run . but if your interested in co manegement i am alwayes seeking someone to be my right hand in the taver.. but you must put in the houers of work.. i how ever do promice I will pay you well.
The Bakery and `Bath house is now under the courts voting you should go cast your vote on who you think bakes the best Bread .. Or gives the best Massage perhaps. but keep in mind fore it to be someone who has the time and houers to put in it as well .. so we will not have a baker with no bread and a bath house with no soap.
To vote, or to sighn up it all you go to the court and look ad the board oppsite from were the chosen rents us.
There you will find sevral scrolls .. when your up there you should look ad all of them and make your dessision on each one.
If your interested in the comanager fore the green dragon you should come see me.
Now to another note
its come to my attention that a Borghesia has have the unfortune of being rented and not bitten, but tortured insted with in the familiy, and I ask of you so i will know if the was a single and personal motivated incedent or if it is something you expirence to happen often. pleace step forwad .. pull me to a cornor send me a letter with a messenger but how ever you chose to inform me .. pleace do so !. perhaps theres something we could attempt to milden these incendents. We wount find out if i dont know how often this accure so i have a chance to aproach court abouth it.
The Subject of Reports.
If you file a Report On anyone .. you should be werry sure in your case there is grounds fore a report, and spoken to be or ad least send me a note of the incedent. in most cases there is a good chance that the chosen who ends up dealing with the report will seek out the leader of the family. And nothing looks good if i am cought off guard with no feel of whats happening in the family .. just as well as a report filed with no grounds will look poorly on the whole family and the chosen who has to spend time on it might be more likley to dismiss the next report from the same family with out even looking intoo it really .. So Pleace somethig happens come seek me out ! let me know of it
( this applyes fore ooc incendents too).
I think i will let your ears and eyes rest a little from my rambeling now, I hope your all well out there and take care of your self and are carfull.
talk to you soon agen
Hugs Juliet
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
We lost someone
Not sure if you noticed yet, but we lost one of our family members, shes still near but shes no longer one of us.
Yesterday i had the doubtful pleasure of being rented by a lestad .. to my suprice when i arrived to the court with her were Roisin .. but not the Roisin we all once knew and most of us cared fore. its was one that was reborn as a chosen, i were warned fore this change would happen .. But i was caught of guard, not expecting to see her as such and the encounter were much of mixed emotion with rage and sadness fore the loss of a sister.
She still look like the roisin you remeber but be carfull .. with the enrapture comes a change to the personality... and i saa glimpses of her new personality, you wish to see her then she can be found near the theater i am sure but be careful, she a new chosen she might not completely have mastered control of herself.
Today and Tomorrow i will mourn the loss of a sister and a friend that will newer be who she once were.
Hugs to you all Family
Yesterday i had the doubtful pleasure of being rented by a lestad .. to my suprice when i arrived to the court with her were Roisin .. but not the Roisin we all once knew and most of us cared fore. its was one that was reborn as a chosen, i were warned fore this change would happen .. But i was caught of guard, not expecting to see her as such and the encounter were much of mixed emotion with rage and sadness fore the loss of a sister.
She still look like the roisin you remeber but be carfull .. with the enrapture comes a change to the personality... and i saa glimpses of her new personality, you wish to see her then she can be found near the theater i am sure but be careful, she a new chosen she might not completely have mastered control of herself.
Today and Tomorrow i will mourn the loss of a sister and a friend that will newer be who she once were.
Hugs to you all Family
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
There seem to be a silent
Spread out true all the city.
Some see it as good some see it as a ill warning to come ..
Seems there is some diseases spreading .. as late as of yesterday a chosen threw up on the doorsteps of the Green Dragon.. and he did not look well... A lady from Demonican, a short one with black hair said rumor said that the plague is back in the city. but .. they have found a cure fore it, that still work fore now, but do not take it lightly if you see chosen that seems sick or even a human protect your self avoid them if you can .. and if you cant .. then make sure you have a check up ad the doctors after ..
Some say the will kill the humans that the cure will not work on .. weather or not this is true I am not fully aware .. but would it really surprise you that they would kill one that will make them sick?
On Another note.
I wish to gather the family soon fore an night, one fore new to meet old and were we perhaps all can become a little wiser .. some of the old might recall the night ad the court with the doge and others coming to explain a little fore us to keep in mind .. My hope is that this will not be the only evening of the sort .
If you have suggestions to things you think might be something that could add positively to the family fore all .. don`t have to be expanding our knowledge but also something that simply would be a fun event, don`t hesitate to come share it with me, and we will see if we can make it happen .. there is no such thing as a bad suggestion.
Hugs and Love to you all
Your Juliet
Some see it as good some see it as a ill warning to come ..
Seems there is some diseases spreading .. as late as of yesterday a chosen threw up on the doorsteps of the Green Dragon.. and he did not look well... A lady from Demonican, a short one with black hair said rumor said that the plague is back in the city. but .. they have found a cure fore it, that still work fore now, but do not take it lightly if you see chosen that seems sick or even a human protect your self avoid them if you can .. and if you cant .. then make sure you have a check up ad the doctors after ..
Some say the will kill the humans that the cure will not work on .. weather or not this is true I am not fully aware .. but would it really surprise you that they would kill one that will make them sick?
On Another note.
I wish to gather the family soon fore an night, one fore new to meet old and were we perhaps all can become a little wiser .. some of the old might recall the night ad the court with the doge and others coming to explain a little fore us to keep in mind .. My hope is that this will not be the only evening of the sort .
If you have suggestions to things you think might be something that could add positively to the family fore all .. don`t have to be expanding our knowledge but also something that simply would be a fun event, don`t hesitate to come share it with me, and we will see if we can make it happen .. there is no such thing as a bad suggestion.
Hugs and Love to you all
Your Juliet
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Silent Days
Seems the city has slumbered into some silent days .. I was concerned there would be more attacks more punishments but fortunately fore now I am happy to share with you there haven't. We had a few new faces join us in the family, and I like to bid your all welcome I hope we as your family can offer you some support when in need .. you should know its wise to stay clever about your words when the chosen are near some hear better then others an a wrong small remark and you might be in fore a public whipping. When your rented keep in mind its the blood they buy not your body .. not services that the bordello offer .. how ever if you decide to, its with in your own hands .. just know its not expected.
If you need help or if you need support in something, just ask.
Should you get attacked outside a rental or anything else happen you need to come tell me .. I am the first in most cases the coven leader will seek out about issues or reports of events that has taken place, and fore me to already have an small idea of why they seek me out. If you cannot find me ad the green dragon or I have retired fore the night writhe me a small letter and push it under my door
should you have other issues as not being able to find your way to work or way to baths or need a new tailor fore your dresses or you suits or new work clothes, need to bitch about the last vampire who drained you to you passed out and left you on the ground or a nice bowl of hot chicken soup to recover over. we all old as new be to your assistance, give a hug and a have a ear to listen.
If you need help or if you need support in something, just ask.
Should you get attacked outside a rental or anything else happen you need to come tell me .. I am the first in most cases the coven leader will seek out about issues or reports of events that has taken place, and fore me to already have an small idea of why they seek me out. If you cannot find me ad the green dragon or I have retired fore the night writhe me a small letter and push it under my door
( if you make a im I can read it off-line you make it in a nc. then I will not be able to read it till I am on-line).
should you have other issues as not being able to find your way to work or way to baths or need a new tailor fore your dresses or you suits or new work clothes, need to bitch about the last vampire who drained you to you passed out and left you on the ground or a nice bowl of hot chicken soup to recover over. we all old as new be to your assistance, give a hug and a have a ear to listen.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Maybe i should take back my words
this girl that was spoke on earlier who talked back and who continued to do so to me the next day I encountered her on the streets ..
Well she was not invited into gioia`s family .. to say it mildly this is disappointing.
fore now what it means fore the families is still up in the air .. but to say it is something that will be consequences of is the truth ..
How can we support a family who open up there arms to someone who will slander us in the street with claims we froze her out, were cold agenst her, jealous of her and that we hated her .. this is just a few words she spoke loudly in the middle of the piazza ..
later she apologized to gioia fore the incident were she commanded gioia and another borghesia that they should dress down be course they dressed to fine..
She apparently did not care about our family's honour ..
So I ask you to tell me, if you can find an answer how can we defend being friends with people who make such choices ?
Be course I cannot find any reason fore it... but food fore thought let me know if you find a reason.
To say I feel betray and is disappointed is mildly spoken.
Well she was not invited into gioia`s family .. to say it mildly this is disappointing.
fore now what it means fore the families is still up in the air .. but to say it is something that will be consequences of is the truth ..
How can we support a family who open up there arms to someone who will slander us in the street with claims we froze her out, were cold agenst her, jealous of her and that we hated her .. this is just a few words she spoke loudly in the middle of the piazza ..
later she apologized to gioia fore the incident were she commanded gioia and another borghesia that they should dress down be course they dressed to fine..
She apparently did not care about our family's honour ..
So I ask you to tell me, if you can find an answer how can we defend being friends with people who make such choices ?
Be course I cannot find any reason fore it... but food fore thought let me know if you find a reason.
To say I feel betray and is disappointed is mildly spoken.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
hush hush be strong but silent
As some might heard or seen with your own eyes the past few days in piazza the mmeeting point of the city, some horrid events have taken place .. public punishment of members to the court Borghesias to be excakt .
Only yesterday this faith happened upon one of ours and almost me included .. All be course of an opinion stated in words about the chosen... so hush .. don`t let them break you but be careful and smart.
you, I and we.. unless you have a wish to be dead do not say it loudly they might hear .. we all think it, but what makes us survive is the ability to comply, not to speak it out loud not to scream it to there faces .. keep it silent .. ad least what's in our heads they will newer be able to take from us.
Practically yelling in the piazza to the other leader Gioia that she dressed above her stature .. I know this girl wishes to be enraptured .. and I know it will happen but till then she is as us human .. and should act so .. she should newer speak to a leader even a human as she did both to me and to the other.
I will let you all take this fore thought .. Gioia and I are friends .. I will not tolerate ill blood be twin the family's nor will I tolerate a borghesia with no family to speak to anyone as she did .. so don't ..
Remember to be respectful even to those not of our family ..
So hush be smart and be strong .. tell them what they wish to hear if it safes your life ..
even a strong mind have to bite its tongue ..
And I know even I can say more, then what I should in some situations ..
Only yesterday this faith happened upon one of ours and almost me included .. All be course of an opinion stated in words about the chosen... so hush .. don`t let them break you but be careful and smart.
you, I and we.. unless you have a wish to be dead do not say it loudly they might hear .. we all think it, but what makes us survive is the ability to comply, not to speak it out loud not to scream it to there faces .. keep it silent .. ad least what's in our heads they will newer be able to take from us.
I fear what we seen and heard this fare might only be the beginning .. even a borghesia tried to turn agenst us .. a former sister you might say ..
Practically yelling in the piazza to the other leader Gioia that she dressed above her stature .. I know this girl wishes to be enraptured .. and I know it will happen but till then she is as us human .. and should act so .. she should newer speak to a leader even a human as she did both to me and to the other.
I will let you all take this fore thought .. Gioia and I are friends .. I will not tolerate ill blood be twin the family's nor will I tolerate a borghesia with no family to speak to anyone as she did .. so don't ..
Remember to be respectful even to those not of our family ..
So hush be smart and be strong .. tell them what they wish to hear if it safes your life ..
even a strong mind have to bite its tongue ..
And I know even I can say more, then what I should in some situations ..
Saturday, February 11, 2012
SIM Meeting
Link to the q/a from the meeting
if your dont have an account on the forum this is a good opportunity to get one. you will need it sooner or later.
Genral sim meeting sunday 12th, ad 10 am sl time .. in the court room I hope to see you there
if your dont have an account on the forum this is a good opportunity to get one. you will need it sooner or later.
Genral sim meeting sunday 12th, ad 10 am sl time .. in the court room I hope to see you there
Thursday, February 9, 2012
A reviuv on ic/ooc facts. you should keep in mind
Humans/ Vampires.
A re statements of some important IC and OOC facts, along with a bunch of random thoughts on play.
None of the bellow are new ideas or rules, what happens in a sim is that over time people begin to subtly change things in their mind and suddenly they begin talking about the changed ideas as if they are the rules. Then they kick up a storm when reminded of the original rules.
This is as said a re statement of some ideas prompted by some investigation into a few problems.
All humans live in an occupied land where they are oppressed and hunted by their overlords the vampires.
Humans are like mice in the land of cats, with all that implies.
Humans are universally seen as animals, as food
This is not a society where one section of humanity has enslaved another.
Vampires are alien creatures, no longer human at all.
If you are human and you are not interacting with vampires you are not playing the game.
You are here to be bitten. Or at least evade being bitten by clever RP. You are not here to chat with others of your kind and look pretty.
Vampires you are here to do what vampires do, bite humans!
If you take most of your Blood from bottles then you are not playing the game.
We may well very soon take drastic action with bottled blood .
The human condition is never happy, just endured.
The only rights humans have are those granted by their oppressors. These are not OOC rules! Just a few loose laws put together to stop mass slaughter.
No Vampire weeps for the death of a few humans who disappear on a dark night to a hungry brother or sister.
Humans are far weaker than their vampire masters!
Vampires, become what you are, arrogant overlords!
Humans are cattle until they become aggressive and go on the offensive. At which point they become vermin to be destroyed.
All resistance Should be ruthlessly crushed.
If you as human wish to start a revolutionary movement then please feel free to do so, but expect your movement and your character and all in your group to be Violently dealt with and possibly destroyed unless you learn once again how to grovel to your masters.
We have a permanent movement here for the rebellious approach, Vordensian.
I have described them as looking more like the upper classes in France a while after the revolution began to bite, nervous and always on their guard, their grandiose appearance slowly becoming worn and shabby, dirty at the edges.
Do you think a vampire society would stand for a class that out dressed them?
No, all outward displays of arrogance would be seen as a subtle attack on authority.
The Rental system is what being a Borghesia is all about. If you avoid it in any way at all your are definitely in the wrong group. Think about this. You have joined this group because your preferred, not guaranteed, form of interaction with Vampires is by invitation through the rental system. This is your purpose in life. Your function in the sim, if it were not for this function, the vampires would kill you all.
Borhesia are not all upper class Citizens!
Some few of them are from the old upper class of the city who, when the vampires took over, had enough money to pay their way out of continual biting. However, since the rental system was set up by the Elders, anyone who wished to attempt to avoid continual attacks on the streets was allowed to become Borghesia.
Of course, many of the old Upper class families still think it is a group especially for them, but it is not. This fact has definitely been totally lost in the sim.
There is very little difference between a Borghesia and a Paesani.
The difference is that if a Borghesia is attacked on the street they have the right to lodge a complaint. That’s all.
This right to lodge a complaint does not mean an OOC mandate to stop Vampires in their tracks from attacking. This would be like waving a copy of the ten commandments in the face of a hungry wolf and pointing to the, though shalt not kill section.
You will always be open to ill use by vampires,you cannot really avoid this. Neither should you want to. What kind of game did you come to play ? This is a vampire sim!
But, you do have the right to get them into trouble after the event.
Of course this is not by any means an open invitation to vampires to attack Borhesia.
Most Vampires will of course stay within the laws of the city.
And of course, any vampire attacking and biting a Borghesia without rent must expect to be heavily fined at the very least. We are considering instant fines for this kind of attack rather than court cases that get missed and never happen. It is perfectly fine for people to break laws as long as they are always aware of the consequences and suffer accordingly.
I am aware that Vampires can seem far to keen to “rescue” these attacked Borghesia from the clutches of other vampires.
Of course there would always be such people in all societies, people who side with the underdog, with the mal treated slaves etc.
But remember this!
Any vampire who habitually sides with humans against other Vampires would be seen as a traitor to their own kind and should be shunned and attacked by their own kind.
Please understand, this is not modern day Europe where there are human rights that allow aggressive antisocial behaviour to have the luxury of free speech and sanctuary. This is a very closed and suspicious society of creatures who trust no one, especially those who openly display Characteristics unnatural to their kind.
The first thing you learn when you acquire eternal life is to never become attached to things that decay and die.
Extra note on Borghesias:
Borghesia are rented for feeding only. They are not rented for sex or torture or for a conversation when you are needing some company etc. Any other activities can only be pursued if both parties agree OOC. The RP should, unless agreed otherwise, be centred around feeding. Anyone looking for sexual activities might like to keep an eye on the bordello where a similar rental board and system will be set up for courtesans very soon.
If this rule is adhered to then there should be very little need for borghesia to refuse a rent. If you are refusing a rent for other reasons such as not wishing to RP with the person who has rented you , then that person should be on your RP ban list. Refusal of rental may also be considered for instant fines.
Why am I being judged by only a court full of Vampire leaders, where are my 12 good men and true drawn from all walks of life.?
Venexia is a rigged society. It is rigged so that almost always vampires win. Again many people suffer from projecting modern day thinking that has arisen in fairly settled societies, onto a young society which has just pulled itself out of constant internal war and has only racial self preservation in mind.
This might seem unfair but it is just a legal form of survival of the fittest. If you ran a society in a time of great upheaval and stress the last thing you would do is worry about those who were not of your kind. If you did this too often then you may just find these people who you so wish to help so much turn around and take your position at the top of the pile. Humans should not expect fair trials.
You should think of it more like a trial judged by a king. He chooses who he sees as furthering his own aims and those of his empire. The thought that humans can bring prosecutions against vampires in a society run by Vampires for vampires is foolish.. But there are laws and even vampires should stay within them. In a way humans never take vampires to court. No more than an animal takes a human to court. Vampires are prosecuted because they break their own social laws, which are set up to protect the vampire society as a whole, not because of some humane attitude to Humans.
Can Vampires Father babies or give birth to them ?
I felt sure this was in the rules some place as it has always been clear in my head. But could not find it.
Vampires never settle in to the good old pipe and slippers family life. They are anti life, born out of death. There are far too many complicated biological explanations that would be needed to explain how a dead thing creates life. It is also far to human to want to love and care for babies, this does not strike me at all as having anything at all to do with vampires. This sim is not about vampires settling down and having kids.Vampires are not re born humans.
So how come they can have sex?
Well that’s a different thing. Having the capabilities to become sensually aroused does not in any way imply that the dead body can produce the chemistry needed to create life.
Nor should it be needed. What makes vampires unique is what they lost as well a what they gained when they we re born. To allow Vampires to have children is anti Vampire. Life implies death. Vampires do die nor age, or if they do it is at a terrifically slow rate. How then would you fit this fact into the birth of a child, does it take a thousand years to grow? Or are we producing Vampire human hybrids, that is just too messy to think out. No, it is a romantic notion that has no logic, not even a fantastic logic. It just sounds wrong and does not work in this world.
So to sum up, humans need to keep in mind always their place in this society.
Vampires need to Play like Vampires, As was written way back at the beginning, Vampire society is based on arrogance and strength, weakness and displays of un natural behavior would be oppressed.
A re statements of some important IC and OOC facts, along with a bunch of random thoughts on play.
None of the bellow are new ideas or rules, what happens in a sim is that over time people begin to subtly change things in their mind and suddenly they begin talking about the changed ideas as if they are the rules. Then they kick up a storm when reminded of the original rules.
This is as said a re statement of some ideas prompted by some investigation into a few problems.
All humans live in an occupied land where they are oppressed and hunted by their overlords the vampires.
Humans are like mice in the land of cats, with all that implies.
Humans are universally seen as animals, as food
This is not a society where one section of humanity has enslaved another.
Vampires are alien creatures, no longer human at all.
If you are human and you are not interacting with vampires you are not playing the game.
You are here to be bitten. Or at least evade being bitten by clever RP. You are not here to chat with others of your kind and look pretty.
Vampires you are here to do what vampires do, bite humans!
If you take most of your Blood from bottles then you are not playing the game.
We may well very soon take drastic action with bottled blood .
The human condition is never happy, just endured.
The only rights humans have are those granted by their oppressors. These are not OOC rules! Just a few loose laws put together to stop mass slaughter.
No Vampire weeps for the death of a few humans who disappear on a dark night to a hungry brother or sister.
Humans are far weaker than their vampire masters!
Vampires, become what you are, arrogant overlords!
Humans are cattle until they become aggressive and go on the offensive. At which point they become vermin to be destroyed.
All resistance Should be ruthlessly crushed.
If you as human wish to start a revolutionary movement then please feel free to do so, but expect your movement and your character and all in your group to be Violently dealt with and possibly destroyed unless you learn once again how to grovel to your masters.
We have a permanent movement here for the rebellious approach, Vordensian.
I have described them as looking more like the upper classes in France a while after the revolution began to bite, nervous and always on their guard, their grandiose appearance slowly becoming worn and shabby, dirty at the edges.
Do you think a vampire society would stand for a class that out dressed them?
No, all outward displays of arrogance would be seen as a subtle attack on authority.
The Rental system is what being a Borghesia is all about. If you avoid it in any way at all your are definitely in the wrong group. Think about this. You have joined this group because your preferred, not guaranteed, form of interaction with Vampires is by invitation through the rental system. This is your purpose in life. Your function in the sim, if it were not for this function, the vampires would kill you all.
Borhesia are not all upper class Citizens!
Some few of them are from the old upper class of the city who, when the vampires took over, had enough money to pay their way out of continual biting. However, since the rental system was set up by the Elders, anyone who wished to attempt to avoid continual attacks on the streets was allowed to become Borghesia.
Of course, many of the old Upper class families still think it is a group especially for them, but it is not. This fact has definitely been totally lost in the sim.
There is very little difference between a Borghesia and a Paesani.
The difference is that if a Borghesia is attacked on the street they have the right to lodge a complaint. That’s all.
This right to lodge a complaint does not mean an OOC mandate to stop Vampires in their tracks from attacking. This would be like waving a copy of the ten commandments in the face of a hungry wolf and pointing to the, though shalt not kill section.
You will always be open to ill use by vampires,you cannot really avoid this. Neither should you want to. What kind of game did you come to play ? This is a vampire sim!
But, you do have the right to get them into trouble after the event.
Of course this is not by any means an open invitation to vampires to attack Borhesia.
Most Vampires will of course stay within the laws of the city.
And of course, any vampire attacking and biting a Borghesia without rent must expect to be heavily fined at the very least. We are considering instant fines for this kind of attack rather than court cases that get missed and never happen. It is perfectly fine for people to break laws as long as they are always aware of the consequences and suffer accordingly.
I am aware that Vampires can seem far to keen to “rescue” these attacked Borghesia from the clutches of other vampires.
Of course there would always be such people in all societies, people who side with the underdog, with the mal treated slaves etc.
But remember this!
Any vampire who habitually sides with humans against other Vampires would be seen as a traitor to their own kind and should be shunned and attacked by their own kind.
Please understand, this is not modern day Europe where there are human rights that allow aggressive antisocial behaviour to have the luxury of free speech and sanctuary. This is a very closed and suspicious society of creatures who trust no one, especially those who openly display Characteristics unnatural to their kind.
The first thing you learn when you acquire eternal life is to never become attached to things that decay and die.
Extra note on Borghesias:
Borghesia are rented for feeding only. They are not rented for sex or torture or for a conversation when you are needing some company etc. Any other activities can only be pursued if both parties agree OOC. The RP should, unless agreed otherwise, be centred around feeding. Anyone looking for sexual activities might like to keep an eye on the bordello where a similar rental board and system will be set up for courtesans very soon.
If this rule is adhered to then there should be very little need for borghesia to refuse a rent. If you are refusing a rent for other reasons such as not wishing to RP with the person who has rented you , then that person should be on your RP ban list. Refusal of rental may also be considered for instant fines.
Why am I being judged by only a court full of Vampire leaders, where are my 12 good men and true drawn from all walks of life.?
Venexia is a rigged society. It is rigged so that almost always vampires win. Again many people suffer from projecting modern day thinking that has arisen in fairly settled societies, onto a young society which has just pulled itself out of constant internal war and has only racial self preservation in mind.
This might seem unfair but it is just a legal form of survival of the fittest. If you ran a society in a time of great upheaval and stress the last thing you would do is worry about those who were not of your kind. If you did this too often then you may just find these people who you so wish to help so much turn around and take your position at the top of the pile. Humans should not expect fair trials.
You should think of it more like a trial judged by a king. He chooses who he sees as furthering his own aims and those of his empire. The thought that humans can bring prosecutions against vampires in a society run by Vampires for vampires is foolish.. But there are laws and even vampires should stay within them. In a way humans never take vampires to court. No more than an animal takes a human to court. Vampires are prosecuted because they break their own social laws, which are set up to protect the vampire society as a whole, not because of some humane attitude to Humans.
Can Vampires Father babies or give birth to them ?
I felt sure this was in the rules some place as it has always been clear in my head. But could not find it.
Vampires never settle in to the good old pipe and slippers family life. They are anti life, born out of death. There are far too many complicated biological explanations that would be needed to explain how a dead thing creates life. It is also far to human to want to love and care for babies, this does not strike me at all as having anything at all to do with vampires. This sim is not about vampires settling down and having kids.Vampires are not re born humans.
So how come they can have sex?
Well that’s a different thing. Having the capabilities to become sensually aroused does not in any way imply that the dead body can produce the chemistry needed to create life.
Nor should it be needed. What makes vampires unique is what they lost as well a what they gained when they we re born. To allow Vampires to have children is anti Vampire. Life implies death. Vampires do die nor age, or if they do it is at a terrifically slow rate. How then would you fit this fact into the birth of a child, does it take a thousand years to grow? Or are we producing Vampire human hybrids, that is just too messy to think out. No, it is a romantic notion that has no logic, not even a fantastic logic. It just sounds wrong and does not work in this world.
So to sum up, humans need to keep in mind always their place in this society.
Borghesia need to make sure they understand why they are playing the role they are, and not act like the law was written to protect them as human beings. It was written to protect them as food.
Vampires need to Play like Vampires, As was written way back at the beginning, Vampire society is based on arrogance and strength, weakness and displays of un natural behavior would be oppressed.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
A little something on weapons and borghesias
as some might have notised even I wear my daggers ad my side one fore slicing bread and one fore gutting fish and meats .. ill let you guess witch one I use what purpose...
BUT can borghesias wear weapons legaly by court ..
Well yes we can wear those who classifies as work tolls.
Do we need to .. no we don`t .. if you chose to its interily up to you ..
So what can I use them fore if I chose to wear them..
well bread and butter .. theifes you can attack on sight and grab the goods they stole ... you have the right to attack them alwayes ! ( ( as loong as the coin purse counts down the time fore there theft as soon as it reaches 0 you have to stop attacking !))
if your attacked outside of rental you could use them to defend your self you allowed to ... but newer EVER ! attack first .. !
And be smart .. running to the right place might be better then starting defending your self .. also dont get your self killed on defending your self ..
also in the words of Baal should you manage to win in defending your self with a veapon to the vampire .. say your words to them ((release them straight after !)) and run like hell and get your wounds treated if you got any. they might have friends comming after you ..
And know you can even be put on trial fore attacking another human,so no starting to simply kick human ass either ..
We as Borghesias should newer be fighting really .. but as you see abow there are a few exceptions, and although it shouldent be needet fore us becourse the court is supose to protect us we all know .. that there are vampires out there who don`t think so highly of the court as those who created it in the years before we were born ....
The offical notecard on human weapons.
Here is a list of allowed weapons that human players can wear Visibly on their Avatar
Vampires cannot challenge these weapons when being worn by humans
These may be considered work tools and ignored, even though some may in reality look rather more than that.
We may add more in a the next few weeks.
All low Damage weapons,
Broom (coming soon)
Sword Cane
Wolfshead cane
Dual Claven
Dual Daggers
Hunting knife
Woodsmans Axe Coming Soon
Hidden Cuff Knife coming soon
War Hammer (considered to be a normal large hammer or mallet)
Ifyou are wearing a none scripted weapon for show then the guidline is that it should either be a tool of some kind, like a hammer or rake. Or it shoudl be small enough not to cause concern I.e, a small knife.
Other weapons may be owned and used in combat according to the human Combat rules
But should be either hidden while on the streets or disguised in some way.
You may also wear the weapins and take your chances, maybe hiding them when a vampire appears.
Or you may wear them defiantly. But if challenged you are obliged to either Remove them or run!
Hugs juliet
BUT can borghesias wear weapons legaly by court ..
Well yes we can wear those who classifies as work tolls.
Do we need to .. no we don`t .. if you chose to its interily up to you ..
So what can I use them fore if I chose to wear them..
well bread and butter .. theifes you can attack on sight and grab the goods they stole ... you have the right to attack them alwayes ! ( ( as loong as the coin purse counts down the time fore there theft as soon as it reaches 0 you have to stop attacking !))
if your attacked outside of rental you could use them to defend your self you allowed to ... but newer EVER ! attack first .. !
And be smart .. running to the right place might be better then starting defending your self .. also dont get your self killed on defending your self ..
also in the words of Baal should you manage to win in defending your self with a veapon to the vampire .. say your words to them ((release them straight after !)) and run like hell and get your wounds treated if you got any. they might have friends comming after you ..
And know you can even be put on trial fore attacking another human,so no starting to simply kick human ass either ..
We as Borghesias should newer be fighting really .. but as you see abow there are a few exceptions, and although it shouldent be needet fore us becourse the court is supose to protect us we all know .. that there are vampires out there who don`t think so highly of the court as those who created it in the years before we were born ....
The offical notecard on human weapons.
Here is a list of allowed weapons that human players can wear Visibly on their Avatar
Vampires cannot challenge these weapons when being worn by humans
These may be considered work tools and ignored, even though some may in reality look rather more than that.
We may add more in a the next few weeks.
All low Damage weapons,
Broom (coming soon)
Sword Cane
Wolfshead cane
Dual Claven
Dual Daggers
Hunting knife
Woodsmans Axe Coming Soon
Hidden Cuff Knife coming soon
War Hammer (considered to be a normal large hammer or mallet)
Ifyou are wearing a none scripted weapon for show then the guidline is that it should either be a tool of some kind, like a hammer or rake. Or it shoudl be small enough not to cause concern I.e, a small knife.
Other weapons may be owned and used in combat according to the human Combat rules
But should be either hidden while on the streets or disguised in some way.
You may also wear the weapins and take your chances, maybe hiding them when a vampire appears.
Or you may wear them defiantly. But if challenged you are obliged to either Remove them or run!
Hugs juliet
Breeding and more
Did you know that if you should join the breeding program you do not have to leave the family ..
The family is fore borghesias but when you get pregnant your still a borghesia even if the court labels you breeding.. did you also know the chosen cant make babies .. its also why you might see some chosen females and males treat you differently if you become with child. also fore the men of our family .. if you do your part fore the court and father some children, on the day of the birthing of the child I will personally pay you 200 coins, if the mother is Borghesia and 100 if the mother is a pesani. affcourse there has to be some difference. as we are of different classes..
enjoy the breeding gentlemen
Hugs Mama juliet :)
The family is fore borghesias but when you get pregnant your still a borghesia even if the court labels you breeding.. did you also know the chosen cant make babies .. its also why you might see some chosen females and males treat you differently if you become with child. also fore the men of our family .. if you do your part fore the court and father some children, on the day of the birthing of the child I will personally pay you 200 coins, if the mother is Borghesia and 100 if the mother is a pesani. affcourse there has to be some difference. as we are of different classes..
enjoy the breeding gentlemen
Hugs Mama juliet :)
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
seems the bad luck has stroke our family as well today I was told by one with in our family that he was attacked only yesterday by a chosen. we have after consulting a Coven leader now submitted a report fore the court and await further action from them, It is of the highest importance that I know, so we can have it brought fore court, It is there own laws it is them who have offered us this protection .. it is therefore also fair that they are made to pay fore breaking such, to me it must be desperate or poor to attack a borghesia .. special since our renting prices were lowered and even a poor DeRais now can afford to rent.. so time will tell I hope that there will be no more incidents but I fear there will be, so be careful .. and should the unfortunately happen try to run... if they run you down and attack you have the right to defend your self .. use your tools from your work or a rock .. if you think it can help you to get out of the situation .. yell all you can make sure all with in hearing range hears your scream that your an non rented borghesia getting attack .. it might even save your life .. but when it comes down to it .. think smart in the situation .. I or your sisters and brothers have no wish to find your body floating in the canals the day after.. some times it can be better to make sure they heard your borghesia non rented and then make sure they do not kill you .. and then we will try to get the court to handle it after..
Be Safe out there, if you fell unsafe walk in pairs if you feel someone behind you there probable is someone there..
Hugs Juliet !
Be Safe out there, if you fell unsafe walk in pairs if you feel someone behind you there probable is someone there..
Hugs Juliet !
Friday, January 27, 2012
Miss Rose (cuffs)
Today I bring your more new a new girl has chosen to join us only a few days ago if you see her wander looking lost with in the city give her hand .. she already seem to taken quite well to the family even offering Ali some soap to wash her self with when she out of the blue felt in the still water of the canals,
But I will pass on the word to her self so she can tell you a little of who she is .....
Rose Beauchamp (AkA Cuffs Singleton)
See me.
As I walk among You, You hunger for me, want me.
I am not forbidden to Your caress.
Your eyes enfold me, until, with a smile, follow me.
Know I will fulfill for You only Your most secret needs.
Ecstasy meld my body to Yours.
The taste of my skin, the scent of my blood,
the texture of my flesh in your mouth.
New Arrival to Venexia, hailing from the outskirts of London.
Raised, groomed and sent to the court of Venexia, unknown to the touch of a feeding,
yet well knowing my place to serve. My love of the red rose seen often in my gowns or hair.
Delicate scent, soft as pedals, but the danger of the thorn if provoked!
But I will pass on the word to her self so she can tell you a little of who she is .....
Rose Beauchamp (AkA Cuffs Singleton)
See me.
As I walk among You, You hunger for me, want me.
I am not forbidden to Your caress.
Your eyes enfold me, until, with a smile, follow me.
Know I will fulfill for You only Your most secret needs.
Ecstasy meld my body to Yours.
The taste of my skin, the scent of my blood,
the texture of my flesh in your mouth.
New Arrival to Venexia, hailing from the outskirts of London.
Raised, groomed and sent to the court of Venexia, unknown to the touch of a feeding,
yet well knowing my place to serve. My love of the red rose seen often in my gowns or hair.
Delicate scent, soft as pedals, but the danger of the thorn if provoked!
A Depature from the family
It is with sadness of hart I bring you this news .. miss Anda .. has chosen to leave the family and seek a new faith...
She believe her fait is to be adopted and enraptured by the very same who rent us, and a part of this process I suppose fore her was to leave us behind, Id like to state she was not asked to leave and to this point as I am aware she is still functioning as Borghesia fore the time. I would also use this time to let you know to be a bit on your toes .. once it happens she will be one of them .. so be careful and wary of what talk leaves your lips .. she will be on there side as you all know, they might treat us well but in the end they are what they are and we are what we are the humans .. what they live of ..
Take Care of your self out there
Hugs Mama Juliet
(oocly: Have fun Anda .. we will all miss you among us but surely we will still see you :) ... hugs from the hole family).
She believe her fait is to be adopted and enraptured by the very same who rent us, and a part of this process I suppose fore her was to leave us behind, Id like to state she was not asked to leave and to this point as I am aware she is still functioning as Borghesia fore the time. I would also use this time to let you know to be a bit on your toes .. once it happens she will be one of them .. so be careful and wary of what talk leaves your lips .. she will be on there side as you all know, they might treat us well but in the end they are what they are and we are what we are the humans .. what they live of ..
Take Care of your self out there
Hugs Mama Juliet
(oocly: Have fun Anda .. we will all miss you among us but surely we will still see you :) ... hugs from the hole family).
Miss Sofia (Sher)
Next up to the family portraits is miss Sofia .. a great appreciated help in the bar and a family member I know I can always rely on. I will leave the word with her ...................
Hey brothers and sisters... Sofia here! I bartender at the Green Dragon and sometimes entertain with my dancing and talent as a musician. Juliet scolds me for not showing up for work too much. I confess.. I'm a lazy one. You know girls just want to have fun! Well I hope to see you all in the tavern soon!
Hey brothers and sisters... Sofia here! I bartender at the Green Dragon and sometimes entertain with my dancing and talent as a musician. Juliet scolds me for not showing up for work too much. I confess.. I'm a lazy one. You know girls just want to have fun! Well I hope to see you all in the tavern soon!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
The court !
(Heya all!
Today I bring you a little diffrent but none the less an important notions that could have effect fore us all. Kora and Baal now set up a trial system wich means that its now possible to have the accual trials .. they also addet a wanted board and a Board fore crime reporting, fore those of you who know the K.O.S. trial system this is a little diffrent from that .. once the guidlines and the first trial have bin tested I will post a more detailed explanation .. fore now .. it also means there's a new work skill training avalible fore even human .. as Lawyer .. but I could Imagen it might be changed to a skill fore supernatural only )
¨If you are attacked out side of rental .. come to me .. its Importan !! we not supose to get attacked outside of rental its there own rules.. they made them .. so we might as well try to get them to enforce it too... hugs to you all¨
Today I bring you a little diffrent but none the less an important notions that could have effect fore us all. Kora and Baal now set up a trial system wich means that its now possible to have the accual trials .. they also addet a wanted board and a Board fore crime reporting, fore those of you who know the K.O.S. trial system this is a little diffrent from that .. once the guidlines and the first trial have bin tested I will post a more detailed explanation .. fore now .. it also means there's a new work skill training avalible fore even human .. as Lawyer .. but I could Imagen it might be changed to a skill fore supernatural only )
¨If you are attacked out side of rental .. come to me .. its Importan !! we not supose to get attacked outside of rental its there own rules.. they made them .. so we might as well try to get them to enforce it too... hugs to you all¨
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Miss Clara
Next up is Clara, fore those of you who haven't meet her yet, Clara is a sweet girl, who joined the family not to long ago but seem to fit right in, quite well with the rest of us crazy Borghesias if you haven meet her yet its quite possible you heard her .. as the system likes to mess with her sometimes and yell out her words :) glad to have you in the family Clara .. just like with all of you :) Now I will hand over the word to Clara
"Their sighs, lamentations and loud wailings
resounded through the starless air,
so that at first it made me weep;
Strange utterances, horrible pronouncements,
words of pain, tones of anger,
voices shrill and faint, and beating hands,
all went to make a tumult that will whirl
forever through that turbid, timeless air,
like sand that eddies when a whirlwind swirls."
The wind whirled dangerously about her petite form. The heavy linen of her mourning skirts whipped wildly against her legs; the gusts twisting and turning the material in their spiteful game. The young woman stood resolute against this assault of the elements, face upturned and gaze mercilessly trained upon the grand structure sat before her. The last of the evening's light would emblazon the words inscribed into the stone with a cruel flourish: Mausoleo di Medici. Her feet were anchored to the ground and had not moved since she had watched the door of the tomb pulled to a close with a grinding thud; left to reel in her grief. But there were no more tears left to weep. The once proud House of Medici had been brought to its knees.
Her world had fallen from beneath her feet and her family taken from her in a cruel twist of fate. But Clara was a Medici and would not see her name so easily fall into the annals of history. And as she took the path away from her families resting place, the wild wind still battering against her frame, her gaze fell upon the carriage awaiting her at the foot of the hill. Her path now led to Venexia, the seat of power which had toppled her own. It was here that she would seek her retribution.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
miss Velvet
Velvet another one from the family, if you see her in the bar usually it will be with a glass of something sweet and strong alcohol in her hand, an old friend of Juliet before she reached the shores of Venxia
But let me pass over to her and she can tell you in her own words:
smiles and points up, that is me, a little shy, until I get to know you more, then I am afraid, I can be quite pesty.
Love to take long strolls and observe, came to Venexia in search of my friend juliet, who took me under her wing, thank you juliet.
Love a good party with friends and is known, to those who know me very well, that never to dare me, my weakness. ¨<-- Juliet points and chuckles ... I think half the times velvet ends up in trouble its be course of a dare :) .. I rally have no idea who lures her into it¨
You will normally find me gazing over the ocean, deep in thought, or walking around mingling lightly with others.
But let me pass over to her and she can tell you in her own words:
smiles and points up, that is me, a little shy, until I get to know you more, then I am afraid, I can be quite pesty.
Love to take long strolls and observe, came to Venexia in search of my friend juliet, who took me under her wing, thank you juliet.
Love a good party with friends and is known, to those who know me very well, that never to dare me, my weakness. ¨<-- Juliet points and chuckles ... I think half the times velvet ends up in trouble its be course of a dare :) .. I rally have no idea who lures her into it¨
You will normally find me gazing over the ocean, deep in thought, or walking around mingling lightly with others.
Miss Ali
Next up in the days feature it Ali .. you will often find her near the tavern her blonde locks sticking up behind the counter and perhaps with a fresh peace of jewel on her neck..chukkels
Well I will leave the word to her as I have with the rest I asked her to pass a picture to me with a few words.... so here they are:

So, Ali, there I am. Come from Ireland, know for my ivory mane. Well I think so anyway. People talk about me, but I have no idea what they say. I left Ireland for personal reasons, don't make me get into them its too painful, BUT, I came to Venexia after my long travels and I immediately fell in love with the place. I felt accepted immediately when I was dropped off at Juliet's feet by a human and a vampire one day who found me wandering aimlessly through court. Since then I've found my own life here, getting chased has become a favourite pass time, my feisty personality never lets me down , other than that I don't actually do much, sometimes I feel like mother hen when Juliet isn't around, probably because im so tall, yeah we'll go with that , because I'm tall. I'm still getting to know people here, but who I do know I treasure. Thank you that is all . OH , wait , that's not all, I also work on making people sloshed off their heads when they come into the tavern, so watch out, I'm armed with alcohol , typical Irish I know.
Well I will leave the word to her as I have with the rest I asked her to pass a picture to me with a few words.... so here they are:

So, Ali, there I am. Come from Ireland, know for my ivory mane. Well I think so anyway. People talk about me, but I have no idea what they say. I left Ireland for personal reasons, don't make me get into them its too painful, BUT, I came to Venexia after my long travels and I immediately fell in love with the place. I felt accepted immediately when I was dropped off at Juliet's feet by a human and a vampire one day who found me wandering aimlessly through court. Since then I've found my own life here, getting chased has become a favourite pass time, my feisty personality never lets me down , other than that I don't actually do much, sometimes I feel like mother hen when Juliet isn't around, probably because im so tall, yeah we'll go with that , because I'm tall. I'm still getting to know people here, but who I do know I treasure. Thank you that is all . OH , wait , that's not all, I also work on making people sloshed off their heads when they come into the tavern, so watch out, I'm armed with alcohol , typical Irish I know.
Miss Pious Pasha
Here it is!
Sisters and Brothers of the Borghesia Family,
I've met several of you and look forward to meeting every last one
of you. For those who don't know me well, I am a new physician treating
the pregnant women of Venexia. Just the other day I delivered the twin
baby girls of the paesani woman Gracy. I'm very exicted to say that
another expectant mother will give birth next week. I'm kept very busy
attending to my mother's-to-be but am spread even thinner caring for the
poor paesani who are constantly physically abused by the 'chosen'.
However, please don't hesitate to stop by the Dottore's Office for
attention to your ailments or just to say 'ciao'. My door is always
open to my brothers and sisters. I've also been writing for the Venexia
chronicles so please let me know of any newsworthy happenings and I'll
be happy to report them.
I hope to bump into you at the Green Dragon
to share a glass of wine and some interesting conversation.
Your Sister Dottore Pasha
Juliet smiled and points up, Pasha a dear friend also one of the first with velvet to join the family, you need a little soul healing after a bite.. combined with some physical healing pasha is one to seek out .. if I could describe her with one word it would be the Caretaker
Juliet smiled and points up, Pasha a dear friend also one of the first with velvet to join the family, you need a little soul healing after a bite.. combined with some physical healing pasha is one to seek out .. if I could describe her with one word it would be the Caretaker
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Miss Ciccia
As you know or perhaps not I asked of a few words about your self and a picture you did of your self fore the Blog and today the dear victim to fall fore my mercilessness gasp is the Shy miss Ciccia ..
It is only recently she landed on the shores of this land and this is a little from her story:
Still this silence of something to come was around me....and as I went deeper and deeper into this place, I realized the beauty of it, made me feel relaxed and gave me a feeling of being in the right place.
I have chosen to stay here for a while....hoping, that some day, someone, can help me understand how and why I ended up at the shores of Venexia.
As she put it : ¨Look at the silver rays left by the moon on the surface of the sea... and you will probably find me¨.
It is only recently she landed on the shores of this land and this is a little from her story:
Still this silence of something to come was around me....and as I went deeper and deeper into this place, I realized the beauty of it, made me feel relaxed and gave me a feeling of being in the right place.
I have chosen to stay here for a while....hoping, that some day, someone, can help me understand how and why I ended up at the shores of Venexia.
As she put it : ¨Look at the silver rays left by the moon on the surface of the sea... and you will probably find me¨.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
sir Ajax Renfort the poet
So Today we start of this Blog fore you and fore us as Family to keep track of news and to share so I asked what some might call a loaded question in chat.. a picture and a little about your self this is the Reply I got from ouer current only man among all us girls. sir Ajax ... nothing .. he handet me a picture and a little quote we now all can give some thought, ill let you make up your own thoughts to it:
"Darkness stirs, silently my senses give into the cold harsh night, yet when I look into the stars that are your eyes, my empty heart fills with impetuous fire"
On this thought .. we all love you Ajax .. and with you as first official post I declare our new Blog fore open:.
"Darkness stirs, silently my senses give into the cold harsh night, yet when I look into the stars that are your eyes, my empty heart fills with impetuous fire"
On this thought .. we all love you Ajax .. and with you as first official post I declare our new Blog fore open:.
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